Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Breen

Did you solve any of the puzzles throughout the book? What kind of puzzles do you like? What was your favorite part of the book?


  1. My Favorite part of the book was when they were in the library trying to find the ring!!! That part was so funny and so many things were happening!!! Thats my favorite book now!!! People should read it and the puzzles were fun to solve!!!! :)

  2. Jessica...I'm so glad that you enjoyed this Sunshine State was one of my favorite ones this year! Ms. Wells

  3. Caroline/5th/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry Fl

    Out of all the Sunshine State Books I've ever read, this one was the most unique. The characters are SO FUNNY, both in what they say and do. I thought the treasure hunt was absolutely fantastic! It was what tied the entire book together. But my absolute favorite part was the puzzles. I love puzzles, solving them and making them. And the puzzles in this book were absolutely amazing. Some of them I got, but most of them I gave up on.
    This book is now officially my new favorite book, and Eric Breen is now on my mental list of authors to remember. If he has written any other books, I'm certainly checking it out. "The Puzzling World of Winston Breen" definitely deserves to be a Sunshine State Book. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!

  4. I enjoyed the book, but did not solve any puzzles at all. :(. Also, Caroline, you are like the best blogger ever!!! :) I respect you. May the blogs be with you.

  5. Dr. Amayo, Assistant Principal

    I enjoyed reading the book, "The Puzzling World of Winston Breen" by Eric Breen. It was fascinating to me that the main character really liked to challenge himself with puzzles and even thought of a puzzle while looking at a pizza pie of all things! I enjoy puzzles too, especially crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. Anybody out there enjoy puzzles as well?

  6. Sarah/ 5th/Sterling Park/Casselberry Fl
    This book is so intresting because usually you would think it is boring because it has puzzles, but it is not they twisted it up. Normally you would think yeah this happened to me I did a puzzle but probally not the way they twisted it. Why someone else should read is that it is intresting it is kinda like a mystery because it is like the type of book that the butler did it but you don't know. This book is one of my favorites like " The Middle of Somewhere". All the book rule!

  7. Jessica/4th/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry, FL
    The riddle that I solved was ''What can you break by just saying your name?'' (Silence.) i like riddles. when the officer said all of a sudden, ''I am going have me some pizza.''

  8. William

    I thought the book was awesome but I never figured out any puzzles. I thought the book deserved to be a sunshine state book!!!

  9. DanielBatista/4th/Sterling Park
    I thought that The Puzzling World of Winston Breen was a very good book. The book is about a boy named Winston Breen with his sister who get some puzzle pieces that lead him into a treasure hunt with a retiered cop, a librarian,2 dudes, and himself and his sister. I enjoyed all the puzzles in this book. This is a book for anyone that likes puzzles.

  10. The puzzling world of winston breen is a book i want to read so bad!!!!!!!!! I will post some more comments when i get a chance to read ok

    - Thanks for reading!

    - Adrienne Gennell


  11. This book is a book i will want to read again and again. it was so good!!!!!!!
