Saturday, August 22, 2009

Defiance by Valerie Hobbs

Who was your favorite character in this book and why? This book was full of did it make you feel?


  1. This sounds like a great book to read even I did not start reading it it sounds like a interesting book I can't wait intil I start reading it.

  2. breanna/5/sterling park elm/casselberry fl

    I loved defiance. the cow was my favorite charectaor. i realy liked the setting in the story. defiantly a great sunshine state

  3. Ricardo...let me know when you are finished! Keep on reading! Ms. Wells

  4. Victoria/fifth/sterlingpark/casselberry fl

    This Book was truly the clean x (dont know how to spell it right) book of the year.
    I love how the old lady is trying to fight for her freedom. My faviorite character was pearl she was a brave women. She kept her head up high and thats what you post to do!!
    Thanks Ms.Wells for telling me to read it and you are 100% CORRECT!!!

  5. Dangelo/4th/sterling park Elem. i love the book defiance i think it was a realy good book i think they should make a movie out of it it was realy sad about blosom how the guy beatend blosom and pearl had to steal blosom

  6. josh/4th/sterling park Elem. I'm glad I read this book. When I first saw the cover I thought it was going to be a boring book, but I liked all the sunshine state books that I had read so far, so I decided to read it. I loved it! It was a funny yet emotional book. Now I know why people say don't judge a book by it's cover.

  7. dangelo/4th/sterling/elm/ i think defiance is sso alsome my favoirot charecter is pearl and toby i think pearl is crazy and nice she is preety funy nice to i like the part when toby was playing around whith his dad and his dad felt the bump on his rib and how pearl stold bionom and every month pearl shoots her shootgun warning him it was sad when it was time for blosom and when pearl died in her pece full sleep but at least tobby got rede of his cancer i hope it dosent come back your book is the best and it was preety alsome that pearl yousty be famous by your booke is the best

  8. maria/4th/sterlingpark/casselberry fl
    Awww,the story is over....It was soooooooooo cute! I wish i could read it over and over again. My favorite charecter was Pearl. She was old but yet strong. the story is very powerful and meaningful. It realy caught my attention. You should really get this book.

  9. Lauren/4th/sterling park

    defiance got sad but it is a good book really it is.I am also sad for pearl blossom toby and popeye. It must hurt to have cancer in the eye.What i mean is I would reccamend this book to anybody.

  10. Lillyanna/4/sterling park elementary/ casselbrrry

    I like this book Defiance because it's about a boy that has cancer and an old lady thats blind. Toby the boy hid a bump that was from cancer. Toby hid the until his dad felt it. this is why I think you sould read Defiance.

  11. Grace 4 sterling park elm.
    Defaince is a great book.It is about a boy name Toby.There is some sad parts and happy parts.If you love happy and sad boks you will love Defiance.You will laught and cry you will want to read Defaince

  12. Dr. Amayo, Assistant Principal

    Pearl felt that if she lost her freedom her life would not be worth anything. Even though she might have been taken care of by her daughters, she did not feel that she would have the same quality of life that she had at the farm. It is important to understand that the elder population needs to still feel free and independant and if we deny them of those freedoms, they will lose all zest for life.

  13. Sam/4/Sterling Park/Casselberry FL

    I thought Defince was a great book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Who ever stole Pearl's freedom stole her life.
    I thought Defiance was a very moving book. I loved when Pearl blew up her stove. I would recamend this book to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. jessica 4 sterling park elemetary casselberry i love defiance because of pearl she is right tobbys parents should let tobby have some freedom . well my parents don't give me freedom they don't even let me stay up till eight.

  15. Laurrae fogo 3rd grade Defiance was a great book i loved it my favorite part of the book was when Toby got rid of his cancer,but not all of the book was happy.It was sad when Pearl died and blossom.but it was still awsome.

  16. defiance was a good book it rules by Brandon Negron

  17. Defiance was a awesome book you should read it by
    Arisa Phewkum

  18. Megan
    Defiance was cool but it also had some sad parts in it. My eyes started to water, but I didn't cry. It's not like I was ACTUALLY going to cry in front of the whole class. Well, my point is that Defiance was a good book. I liked it very much.

  19. Caroline/5th/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry FL

    I am so thrilled I decided to read "Defiance". It is a heart touching story about a boy with cancer, how he meets an old woman, and becomes friends with her and an old cow. I couldn't believe how much Toby's mother overprotected him. I mean, if someone has cancer, let them live their life! You never know what might happen.

    My favorite character was Pearl, the old woman. I liked how she "talked" with Blossom, the old cow, when in truth, she just kind of sent mind messages. I thought it was sad that she lost her sight and had to stop writing poetry. This book was absolutely the Kleenex book of the year. Of the century, probably. "Defiance" is a beautiful book, filled with hope and meaning, and wonderful characters. I'm pretty sure that Valerie Hobbs has written another story, and if I can find it, I'm checking it out from the library right away.

    This book made me feel plenty different emotions. Sad (when Blossom died), anxious (when Pearl's daughters were wanting to take her away to live with them), happy (whenever Toby saw his father). "Defiance is an excellent story about courage, hope, and the meaning of life. This book sends one enormously important message: never give up hope.

  20. jessica/Sterling Park Elementary/4/Casselberry/FL
    I liked Pearl Because my mom's name is Pearl and I like poetry. The story made me feel sad for the people who had Cancer.
