Saturday, August 22, 2009

Brendan Buckley's Universe and Everything in it by Sundee T. Frazier

Tell why you did or didn't like this book. What was your favorite part? If you could change one part of the story, what would it be?


  1. breanna/5/sterling park elm/casselberry fl

    very scintific. talk about a long lost relative. I thout the akward reunion was the best part of the book. i would definatly chang ethe bully feeling about black people and gold blood. ive fell down and scraped myself a million times and dont remeber anything about gold blood. Yet the comment serves its point when he says it. sometimes stuff like that hurts a bit not to mention ruin your day. all in all the story was very interesting.

  2.'re right that words can hurt feelings! This story has a great message! Thanks for reading it and for blogging!
    Ms. Wells

  3. jessica/4/sterling park elm/casselberry,fl

    i liked the book. the part i liked the best was when they went on a trip. i would change the part when the bullys came to the park and said some stuff. those words made me think that we are all the same no matter what

  4. lauren/4th/sterling park

    I love the rocks.It was funny we were learning about rock so it was helping me. It was cool to.All I have to say is that I LOVED IT! It is going to be the book I vote to be my favorite book.

  5. Caroline/5th/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry FL

    I really liked the meaning in this story. I think that it gives a wonderful message. It was funny, exciting, and interesting all at once. My favorite part was when Brendan and his friend were firing dolls from the window with a catapult. That was hilarious! I didn't really expect this book to be interesting, but someone told me it was good so I tried it out. Boy, was I wrong when I said it was going to be boring! What I think I would change was when the bullies made fun of him at the park, and said he had "purple blood" just because of what color he was. I thought that was really unfair and mean. My favorite character is Brendan because he is trying to figure out stuff all the time, because he wants to be a scientist. I liked all the rocks in the story, because I collect rocks too!

    I really would advise anyone to read this, girls and boys. Because it has a fantastic message, great characters, and a scientific feel to it, "Brendan Buckley's Universe and Everything in it" truly deserves to be a Sunshine State Book. I am so glad I read it, and now I can't wait to keep reading Sunshine State Books!

  6. Brianna/4th/sterling park
    cool in science and reading

  7. Mark/4th/sterling park

    I Loved This Book. We Are All The Same In Life.

  8. I loved the book and I thought that the big book of questions was a great idea and i think i will make one myself! I thought that the bullies were mean and rude. If i could change one part of the story it would be him driving. I loved it so much that I read it in one day.
