Saturday, August 22, 2009

Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke

Knights, talking cats and magicians, oh my! What was your favorite part of this book? What did Igraine do that made you laugh?


  1. breanna/5/sterling park elm/casselberry fl

    very cute and funny.glad somebody didnt get a craving for bacon.i loved the sorroful knight. poor poor maidens. i loved igraine. she had the most bravery. whether that ment eating her brother disgusting food or putting on dragon skin to uninchant the enchanted sword igraine followed threw. long live cornillea funk and igraine the brave!!!

  2. Long Live Igraine! Keep reading, Breanna! Ms. Wells

  3. Victria/fifth/sterlingpark/casselberry fl

    LONG LIVE IGRAINE THE BRAVE! I agree with breanna it is a very cute book!! I love how igraine was so bave she wouldnt stop or quit even if it was fighting a one eye duke or a spiky night She never stoped!!! LONG LIVE IGRAINE THE BRAVE!!

  4. Caroline/5th/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry FL

    COOL! This book is AWESOME! I am so glad I read this. Igraine is so, so brave. No wonder they call her "Brave Igraine"! I think my favorite character is the Sorrowful Knight, because he is so sad for most of the book, and then he becomes happy when the maidens come back. I also liked how the giant was a nice giant. When I think of giants, I always think of mean ones!

    My favorite part was when Albert, her brother, thought he had made perfect food by magic, but it turns out to be blue eggs and dry biscuits! Igraine was both humorous and courageous, as was the Sorrowful Knight. That made the story more enjoyable.

    This will definitely be a book I would recommend to anyone who likes fantasy, magic, and knightly stuff. LONG LIVE IGRAINE THE BRAVE!

  5. This truly is a great book. If you like knights, magic, and blue eggs and dried biscuts (thank you Albert), I would recomened this book. My favorite part was... well I really don't have a favorite part because this book is humorous, adventuruos and exciting. LONG LIVE IGRANIE THE BRAVE!!!

  6. Jessica/4th/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry
    my favorite part was when the sorrowful knight fought. She stole a horse.

  7. I really love this book because it about Igraine wants to be a brave knight by Arisa Phewkum

  8. Sarah/5th/Sterlng Park Elementary/Casselberry/FL
    This book is really good I couldn't put it down. One of my favorite part was when Igranie came to get the hairs and retuned.
    When I first saw that book it looked like the book I want to read. Why someone else should read this book is that it says that girls can do anything they want to do. If you also like adventuruos and magical books this book is for you. I think the author did a really good job to think that you are with Igranie.

  9. i loved the book and that is all i can say it was just so good but one scene i loved was when igranie came to get the hairs and returned in a flash.

  10. this book was awesome!!!! my favorite part was when igranie had to laugh to wake the guard. it was cute. it was the best book EVER!

  11. Ms. Wells/Media Specialist/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry, FL

    The book talk for this book was so creative! Our PTA president, Mrs. Goldberg, did a fabulous job - she even brought a knight's helmet and sword to share with the group! But I think the true "highlight" of the discussion was when she read some excerpts from a book that described how truly GROSS it was to be a knight like Igraine!
