Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davis

Have you ever competed with your brother or sister? Did you like the "lemonade war"? What was your favorite part of the book?


  1. Josh/4th/Sterling Park Elementary/Cassleberry FL The Lemonade War is a great book. I loved it so much I read all 173 pages in one night. My favorite part was when Evan took Jessie's money. I thought it was funny and sneaky. The next book I find by Jacqueline Davis I will definitely check it out at the library.

  2. breanna/5/sterling park elm/casselberry fl

    I realy liked the lemonade war. very favorate pert is torn beetween evan went to the pool and his lazy friend staels his money and when jessie puts the the mud and bugs in evans lemonade. HILAROUS

  3. isaac/5th/sterling park elementry /cassleebeerry fl. i loved lemonade war it was so hard to ever let the book out of my hand.i think it is extremly funey and my favorite part is when jessie but bugs dirt and other gross things in evans lemonade. if your ever in any libarey and you love funney books ask for the lemonade war by jacqueline davis trust me you will love it!

  4. Josh and Breanna...I'm glad you enjoyed The Lemonade War. I loved all the math problems! I agree it was really funny, too! Keep reading! Ms. Wells

  5. Caroline/5th/Sterling Park Elementary/Cassleberry FL

    The Lemonade War is my favorite of all the books I've read! I loved the way that the author worked math into the book. That was great! My favorite part was when Jessie put bugs in Evan's lemonade. Now THAT was hilarious! Once I started, I couldn't put it down, literally. Although I've never competed with my sisters, I'm sure that I'll be well prepared if I ever do. I thought it was genius how Jessie thought to have another lemonade stand, so she could outshine her brother. This book is an excellent book if you want to learn and have fun reading at the same time. I will definitely be looking for more books by Jacqueline Davis!

  6. Caroline...your comment was so well written and full of specific details that I am SURE will make other students at Sterling Park read this book! I liked the scene with the bugs in the lemonade, too! I laughed out loud! Well done! Thanks for blogging and keep reading!

  7. Sarah/5th/Sterling Park Elementary/CasselberryFl/
    Why I love this book is you can picture the characters in your head. My favorite part in this book is when Evan finally fessed up that he took Jessie and Megan's money. Why another person should read this book is this might happen to you. It is also is funny. This is just like real life because Jessie's brother, Evan has a crush on her friend Megan and Megan, has a secret crush on him and Evan also has a secret crush on her. The lemonade stand could happen in real life but the way they twist it up it may not happen. When I read this book I couldn't put it down but I had too. When I was reading it at night I couldn't put it dowm then my mom came in and saw me and I was half a sleep she told me tommorow you have school I told her fine! Everyone should read a lot of sunshine stat books because so far I love them.

  8. Sarah/5th/Sterling Park Elementary/CasselberryFL/
    I thought that this book was book was very funny!My favorit part was when Jessie put fruitflies,bugs,and dirt in Even's lemonade.

  9. Savannah/4th/sterling park/casslberryFlorida

    I thought this was a good book it was interesting to see what they whould do to the other persons lemonade

  10. I definetly loved this one! i think this is one of the best sunshine stsate books yet! my absoulute favorite part is when Jessie put all that GUNK in Evan's lemonade. the worms, the bugs the dirt, EVERYTHING! it was so digusting i literally gagged as i pictured it in my head. i liked how the author incorperayed the math into this book, while you enjoy it, your learning math stuff. and this book reminds me of a time when me and my little brother had a acontest to see who can sell the most pieces of candy. well it urns out, nobody won because we completly forgot about the compition while swimming at the pool just 5 minutes later!

  11. Arisa/3rd/sterling park/Casseleberry FL
    This book is really AWESOME.My favorite part was
    when Jessie put in worms,the bugs,the dirt,almost
    everything in Evan's lemonade.You guys should read

  12. Jessica/4th/Sterling Park Elementary/Caseelberry/FL
    YES!!! I love loved book! Since I don't have a brother or sister, my answer is no. My favorite part was when Evan's little sister put a lot of gunk in his lemonade.

  13. I loved how Jessie and Evan will even out, Jessie would help Evan with math and Evan will help Jessie with people skills.My favorite part was when Jessie, Evan, and their mom sat on the stairs to watch the fireworks at the end of the last day of summer.I could picture when the rain was falling on them.I thought it was the perfect ending.

  14. I really,really love this book it was so good. It was funny how they were so aganist each other. I really thought that when Jessie put worms and all the gross stuff in Evans thing,that it was so funny. This is one of my favorite books.

  15. Ms. Wells/Media Specialist/Sterling Park Elementary/Casselberry, FL

    Wow! The book talk today on The Lemonade War was really fun! The guest, Ms. Sharpe, from the Educational Support Center, did a fabulous job incorporating the math from the book into fun word problems for each table to solve! And she brought lemonade as a treat! That was so nice!
