Saturday, August 22, 2009

READ FIRST: How to Post a Comment

When you have completed reading a book, click on the title to start your comment.

Please begin your comment using this format:

first name ONLY/grade/school/location

Ex: Samantha/4th/Sterling Park Elem/Casselberry, FL

This will allow everyone to see who is visiting our blog.

It will also allow all the users to be able to comment to each other by name.

Once you have done this, go ahead and add your comment.

Under the comment box where it says "Comment as" please select "Anonymous".

Once completed, click on "Post Comment".

Thanks and I look forward to reading your responses!

Ms. Wells

Night of the Howling Dogs by Graham Salisbury

Who is your favorite character in the story? How do Hawaiian natural disasters compare to Florida hurricanes?

Punished by David Lubar

What is your favorite palindrome from the book? Which oxymoron was your favorite? Describe the librarian in the story.

Highway Cats by Janet Taylor Lisle

Which cat if your favorite? What was the most exciting event in the story?

The Year of the Dog by Grace Lin

Describe the friendship between Grace and Melody. How does Grace feel about her family at the beginning of the story compared to how she feels about them at the end of the book?

Me and the Pumpkin Queen by Marlene Kennedy

Did Mildred become the Pumpkin Queen like her mom did years before? Describe Mildred's relationship with her dad. What was your favorite part? Have you ever grown anything in a garden?

Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat by Lynne Jonell

What was your favorite part of this book? Who was your favorite character? Have you ever read other books with "talking animals" in them? Compare that book to this one!

Defiance by Valerie Hobbs

Who was your favorite character in this book and why? This book was full of did it make you feel?

Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix

This book includes time travel...when would you like to travel "back in time? forward in time? Who was your favorite character?

Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke

Knights, talking cats and magicians, oh my! What was your favorite part of this book? What did Igraine do that made you laugh?

Brendan Buckley's Universe and Everything in it by Sundee T. Frazier

Tell why you did or didn't like this book. What was your favorite part? If you could change one part of the story, what would it be?

The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School by Candace Fleming

Who was your favorite student in Mr. Jupiter's fourth grade class? This was a funny book...which part made you laugh out loud?

The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davis

Have you ever competed with your brother or sister? Did you like the "lemonade war"? What was your favorite part of the book?

The Middle of Somewhere by J.B. Cheaney

Who was your favorite character? What was your favorite part of this story? Did it make you laugh out loud?

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Breen

Did you solve any of the puzzles throughout the book? What kind of puzzles do you like? What was your favorite part of the book?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Crooked Kind of Perfect

Did you like this book? What was your favorite part of the story? Who was your favorite character? Did this book make you laugh or cry? Tell me what you think!